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Welcome to my blog!

Hi and welcome to my blog! I'm starting this family blog as a way to document memories for our family and to share some of our adventures and projects with the world. Back before I had kids, I was pretty dedicated to my crafting blog, which was a fun way for me to share my DIY projects and get some of my work out on Pinterest. It lead to many creative side-hustles and one of my posts has even been shared over 39,000 times on Pinterest!

Alot has changed since then. Every space in my previously perfectly clean home is covered in superheroes and swaddle blankets, our spare bedrooms are now converted into kids' bedrooms, and my craft room is slowly becoming a play room. These past 2+ years of parenthood have been the best years of our lives though and we wouldn't change it for anything! 

I have lots of posts saved up ready to share, so I hope you follow along as we take on some creative projects and fun adventures! 

Follow me on Instagram to see more of our behind the scenes. My Insta stories are pretty much still all of Reed at this point, because every parent knows that the 2 year old runs the show. 

xoxo Hilary

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